Blade 3 - Materials Indices for Anchoring Pins
This project was very similar to the previous Blade project. Kerrie Y. and Aum W. undertook a similar approach for the materials that would be involved in the handle of the blade as well as the anchoring pins. The devised materials indices are presented below, the first for the handle and the second for the anchoring pins.
Our derived materials indices
These indices prioritize similar things to the blade indices. They both seek to maximize the energy transferred from user to object without failure or plastic deformation. The handle index also considers the toughness of the material. This is to assure its longevity and its resistance to wearing. As can be seen below one of the best material choices would be leather. This was postulated by the project team. However, since leather can be considered as an over layer or additional material on top of the handle itself it was not considered. These kind of bubble graphs are the primary way that the materials are used to screen out the numerous possible material options.
Materials property chart from Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 4th edition, by M. F. Ashby